Ways to Support KWoods
Donate to Kensington Woods
If you would like to directly donate to Kensington Woods, please click on the Donate link below! All donations directly support Kensington Woods Schools students and teachers.
Business Fundraising
There are a lot of easy ways to help out KWoods programs through business fundraising options! These options allow you to support KWoods by shopping where you already shop!
Kroger Community Rewards
If you link Kensington Woods to your Kroger Plus card, we benefit every time you make a purchase at Kroger!
To Use the Kroger Community Rewards Program:
Simply visit http://www.kroger.com. Once logged into your Kroger account you can search for Kensington Woods School either by name or code "FG629" and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.
Supply Wish List
We keep an updated supply wish list.
Busch's Cash for Education Program
Busch's will donate to support Kensington Woods Parent Organization when you select us as your designated organization in your MyWay account!
Boxtops for Education, Labels for Education, Aunt Millies School Spirit Labels and Tyson Project A+ Labels
Each label counts for money or for points towards purchasing products for the school and they add up fast! Please make sure you do not cut off the expiration date or expiration date! Turn in your Boxtops in the box in the Main Office!
Find out more:
Gordon Food Services GO! Program
Kensington Woods Parent Organization is part of the GFS GO! Program. Everytime you shop there, tell them you are with Kensington Woods Schools and we earn points that we can use to purchase items at GFS for our Parent Organization programs!