Flashback: Kensington Woods hosts Governor’s Traveling Art Show this month
Kensington Woods hosts Governor’s Traveling Art Show this month
Kensington Woods Schools, a charter school in Lakeland for grades 6-12, is hosting the Governor’s Traveling Art Show this month – an exhibit of 31 pieces of 2-D high school art work selected from the annual Visual Art Exhibit held each year during the Michigan Youth Arts Festival.
This work reflects some of the very finest and most creative work produced by our state’s secondary art programs and travels around the state for the year.
The art show will be on display at Kensington Woods through Oct. 25, after which it will go to the annual Michigan Art Educator’s Association Conference and then to another school in Michigan. The public can view the show during school hours by signing into the Main Office first.
In conjunction and in celebration of the closing of the Governor’s Traveling Art Show, Kensington Woods will be hosting a screening and discussion of the Chicago episode of the eighth season of the program “Art in the Twenty-First Century” at 7 p.m. October 25. Season 8 of “Art in the Twenty-First Century” profiles 16 artists who reveal how art can inspire and transform lives and communities.
Kensington Woods will be hosting a discussion after the screening planned and hosted by our students and teachers.
For more information on Kensington Woods Schools, visit kwoods.org, or call 517-545-0828.